A new method of using PEP with doxycycline could reduce sexually transmitted infections especially when it comes to syphilis and drug-resistant gonorrhea.
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Rape Victims who Get PEP Treatment within 8 Hours Can Live HIV Free
Use of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is not allowed in India despite the fact that the therapy is said to prevent victims from getting HIV by up to 100%.
Continue readingWhat Is the Difference Between PrEP and PEP? Everything you Need to Know
PEP and PrEP have been used to reduce HIV/AIDS infection. Many people think they are the same and interchangeable. The truth is that they are very different.
Continue readingSTD Rates among Teens and Pregnant Women Reach Alarming Point
STD cases among pregnant women and high school kids in the US have reached an alarming rate calling for more attention from involved sectors.
Continue readingYoung Swedes Urged to Measure Their Penises and Talk About Mental Health
Doctors in Sweden have come up with an unorthodox method to encourage youths to discuss mental health; measuring their penises.
Continue readingEasy-to-Use App Helping STD Patients Recieve Quick Treatment
A doctor has created an app to encourage those who feel embarrassed to attend STD testing clinics to get tested anonymously increasing STD testing rates.
Continue readingHIV and AIDS Still Largely Misunderstood: 7 Things People Still Don’t Understand
It’s 2017 but we still have a number of myths surrounding HIV/AIDS. Let’s burst a couple of them to better support those affected by the virus.
Continue readingPubic Grooming Could be exposing you to Higher STD Risk
People who shave their pubic hair are assumed to have more sexual partners thus leading to the assumption that pubic grooming increases STD risk.
Continue readingStay Safe: How to Get Tested For STIs with Your Partner
Talking about your sexual health as a couple is important and even better you should go for STD testing together. Here’s how to go about it.
Continue readingCDC Blamed for Skyrocketing STD Rates in the US
AIDS Healthcare Foundation has come out strongly to accuse Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC) over an all-time high in STD cases in the US.
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