Stigma and lack of support for HIV patients remain huge factors that fueling the rise of new infections in Canada.
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New York: MSM Taking PrEP Pill Willing to Take the Injectable Form Should it be Made Available
Gay and bisexual men in New York City using the oral form of HIV prevention drug PrEP, would prefer to have the injectable form of the drug.
Continue readingEngland: PrEP Stands to Prevent One in Every 4 HIV Infections
The NHS could save billions by making HIV PrEP drug available to everyone at a lower cost. The drug is believed to prevent HIV infection for 1 in every 4 cases.
Continue readingExperts Believe Online Clinics Will Increase Usage of PrEP
Online HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) providers could tremendously increase access to the life saving drug across the US.
Continue readingPrEP Leads to Decrease in Condom Use Among Australians
The introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Australia is suspected to rduce condom use raising fears of STD rates in the country increasing rapidly.
Continue readingAre we Close to a HIV Cure?
A cure for HIV has been an elusive one but current advancements in treating and preventing HIV show promise of finding a cure soon.
Continue readingDating Apps Blamed for Rise in STDs in the US
Popular dating apps such as Tinder and Grindr blamed for increased STD rates in the US mainly because they encourage casual sex.
Continue readingAmerica May Be Heading Into an STD Epidemic
According to a recent study, the US could be heading into an STD epidemic as cases of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia continue to increase by the year.
Continue readingMore Efforts Needed to Reduce HIV Transmission in Malaysia
Even though HIV rates among drug users in Malaysia have reduced, HIV transmission in the general public has gone up calling for more attention.
Continue readingPrEP Suspected to be Responsible of Drop in London HIV Rates
Pre-exposure prophylaxis has allegedly helped result in a 40% drop in the number of new cases of HIV infections among the gay community, according to sexual health clinics in London.
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