Stigma towards HIV prevention drug PrEP is affecting its intake rate with most people refusing to take it for fear of being labelled as promiscuous.
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‘Stealthing’ Becomes a Major Issue in HIV/AIDS Prevention
Stealthing, the act of men removing the condom during sex without the knowledge or permission of their partners is raising concerns of increased HIV infections.
Continue readingHow PEP Works, When You May Need To Take It and Where to Get it
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), the HIV morning after pill is effective in preventing HIV if you have been exposed to an infected person. Here’s how it works.
Continue readingYoung Women and Girls Targeted in HIV PEP Therapy
Young women and teenagers are part of a Kenyan initiative to prevent HIV transmission among high risk population via the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Continue readingPrEP Leads to Decrease in Condom Use Among Australians
The introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Australia is suspected to rduce condom use raising fears of STD rates in the country increasing rapidly.
Continue readingChallenges in the Provision of HIV Testing and Counselling Services in Africa
Lack of proper facilities is affecting privacy and confidentiality of HIV testing and counselling services in Africa. This is in turn affecting the HIV fight.
Continue readingWhy Wait? You can Start Taking HIV Medicine Immediately after Diagnosis
Test and Treat, a new method of giving HIV medication to patients immediately after diagnosis will improve quality and prolong lives of HIV positive people.
Continue readingDoctors Embrace and Encourage Routine HIV Testing
Medical practitioners, health centers, clinics and hospitals have been urged to encourage HIV testing alongside other blood test in order to get people tested
Continue readingMore Efforts Needed to Reduce HIV Transmission in Malaysia
Even though HIV rates among drug users in Malaysia have reduced, HIV transmission in the general public has gone up calling for more attention.
Continue readingNew Programme Introduced to Help Patients Take their HIV Treatment Effectively
Researchers in the Netherlands have come up with a new programme that will help HIV patients to take their medication regularly to increase its efficacy.
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