Among occupations, Medical professionals are the ones who are most highly exposed to infections and threats of communicable diseases. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), being an untreatable virus, holds great risk to medical professionals especially those who work with HIV-infected patients and needles. HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is something that can greatly reduce the risk of… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → #HIVPEP
The World of Antiretrovirals
In the 1980’s diagnosis with HIV was a death sentence. In 1995 in the USA, it was the highest cause of death in the age range 25-44 years. Nowadays HIV is a life sentence, but a relatively painless one. Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) has ensured that the virus is kept locked away in the host DNA,… Continue reading
HIV/SIV PEP in Non Human Primates: a Meta-analysis
Animals have long been the most faithful friends of humans but what is more interesting to know is that they have been a model for scientific experimentation which helps humans to make better medication and cure. A recently published meta-analysis report by the team of Irvine C. in the journal “Clinical Infectious Diseases”, the authors… Continue reading
HIV prevention: The Emerging Prevention Regimen from Post-exposure to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
Like vaccinations for life-threatening diseases such as Hepatitis B and Tetanus, the HIV virus could be tackled more efficiently with the presence of a vaccination for this disease. Researchers have been successful in developing a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV which is now a leading development towards finally creating a vaccine. Pre-exposure prophylaxis is a… Continue reading
HIV PEP – A Ray of Hope
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus known as HIV attacks a person’s immune system making them susceptible to infections like tuberculosis, opportunistic infections and even tumours. These are diseases that would normally not affect people with a strong immune system. Although studies show that there is no cure for HIV, there are drugs available that can slow… Continue reading
Ground-breaking New Medication for HIV PEP Treatment
A study was conducted in two Australian cities namely Melbourne and Sydney to determine the effectiveness of a new drug for the treatment of HIV. A small sample group of 100 healthy non-HIV infected gay men who were eligible for HIV PEP (Post-exposure Prophylaxis) were part of the study. Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a medical… Continue reading
Exposed to HIV? It’s Not Too Late!
Of all the letters in the English language, few are feared as much as the simple combination of H.I.V. Once you’re infected, the impact on your health and on your family can be devastating. As careful as you may be, there are still scenarios which can result in exposure to HIV. Instead of worrying and… Continue reading
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute recently updated their HIV PEP guidelines
The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute (NYSDHAI) recently tasked their Medical Care Criteria Committee (MCCC) to update their HIV PEP (Post-exposure Prophylaxis) guidelines. PEP refers to the treatment required and administered after exposure to HIV – a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This exposure is categorised as resulting from sexual assault, occupational exposure,… Continue reading