5 Less Common STIs You Might Never Have Heard Of

STDs are much more than HIV, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea. As the years go by, more infections are slowly recognized as STDs and they can be caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites. In this article, learn more and be more knowledgeable about 5 less common STIs: pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Mycoplasma genitalium, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Shigella, and pubic lice.

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Giardiasis: What You Need To Know

Giardiasis is a diarrheal disease caused by a parasite called Giardia duodenalis. Despite attacking the digestive system, this disease is slowly recognized as an STI because oral-anal sex is one of the ways this disease can be spread. In this article, learn more about all the possible ways Giardiasis can spread, who is more susceptible to getting it, its symptoms and treatment and how it can be prevented.

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Everything You Need To Know About Practicing Safer Sex

Unless we completely abstain from sex, every sexually active person can be at risk for contracting STDs. Therefore, it is imperative that we take steps to minimize the risks. Consistently using condoms, internal condoms and dental dams, getting screened regularly for STDs, washing sex toys and refraining from getting too intoxicated by alcohol to the point of clouding our judgment are concrete ways we can consciously do to be more responsible when it comes to safer sex. In this article, find everything you need to know about protecting yourself and your partner better.

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6 STDs Which Can Be Passed Through Vertical Transmission

Not much has been said about STDs that are spread through vertical transmission. The sad truth is, this happens and can lead to severe and lifelong health problems for infants. Pregnant women who are infected with certain STDs can pass them to the babies during pregnancy, birth and delivery. In this article, we take a closer look at 6 sexual diseases which can be transmitted through vertical transmission and the impacts they cause to infants.

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Get More Familiar With STDs Spread By Skin Contact

There is nothing sneakier than STDs, which is why learning more about them is essential. Although we know all too well that STDs are spread through intimate sexual contact, some are not aware that they can also spread through mere skin-to-skin contact. STD transmission through skin contact can occur when an infected person’s mucous membranes, bodily fluids and open lesions come into direct contact with an uninfected person’s membranes and open lesions. In this article, we dive deep into 4 sexual diseases that can be transmitted through skin contact.

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How STD Testings Are Done and What To Do If You Test Positive

The first and foremost reason why people put off STD testing is because of how daunting it can be. However, with advancement in health and technology, most STD tests are now hassle-free and results can come back in minutes. Although STD testing is normally not part of regular checkups, every sexually active person should get screened. We are taking you deeper and closer to how STD testing is carried out and how you should react if your tests turn out to be positive.

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How Hazardous Is Herpes?

Most of the time, when people are reminded of herpes, they would associate it with severe and complicated health problems. In this article, we discuss what causes herpes, the types of it, how the disease is spread and ultimately, whether or not this disease is dangerous and life-threatening. We also touch on the stages of herpes infections and what to expect if you catch it.

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Get More Up Close and Personal With Bacterial, Viral and Parasitic STDs

Some STDs are particular in a way that they are more likely to infect women than men due to women’s anatomy that makes them more vulnerable to contracting them. For instance, women are more susceptible to trichomoniasis compared to men. However, aside from genders, age groups and sexual preferences also determine which STDs you are more prone to. In this article, we take a dive into 5 STDs and their prevalence in certain genders and groups.

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Get More Familiar with Low-Risk and High-Risk HPV Strains

Sexually transmitted diseases do not always revolve around chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. While much has been said about these three, we can always use more information on the silent killer, human papillomavirus (HPV). The bad guy behind 70% of cervical cancer, this disease is caused by a group of viruses. Among 100 varieties of HPV, around 40 are transmitted through sexual contact. In this article, we discuss the effects of low and high-risk HPV strains, their particular types, and what you can do to prevent HPV.

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